Courses at the Herbert Gallery (Coventry)

Courses 2013-16

Start date: 23 January 2016 

A Feast for the Eyes: food in European Art

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Summer Study Day, Saturday 4 July 2015:

Joséphine and Eugénie, two Bonaparte empresses: fashion and art patronage in Paris, 1804-1870


February/March 2015

Every Picture Tells a Story : the Great War in European Art

Otto Dix, Self-Portrait  as Mars, 1915

This four-day course explored art produced during WW1 in Britain, France, Germany and Russia.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Day Course at the Herbert Gallery:

The History of British Fashion, c. 1800 -1920s

Tutors: Ali Wells and Angela Jianu

Followed by: a 4-day course taught by Angela Jianu on 15 February, 1-15 March, 29 March 2014

Summer Day School

Saturday, 5 July 2014, 10.00 am - 4.00 pm

From Wartime Austerity to Street Fashion: key moments in the

 History of British Fashion, 1939-1980s

A wedding in Sheffield , 1950

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